It’s all in your character….

  I feel really led to share what’s on my heart.  We all go thru seasons in our life when people hurt us and forgiveness is an evil necessity.  I have been thru plenty personally.  Never on business level though.   I have been in a really hard spot with this one. I have no bitterness or anger left, but just the sick feeling that says Why?  I don’t want to really know and I don’t really need to know. I just am left with an awful feeling that I can’t shake!!
It’s because of the lies being told about me personally and the constant use of my business name that I just can’t walk away.  I am not out there seeking stories, but I am daily being confronted with them.  You prune out the bad in your life, things that are weighing you down and holding you back and you see the fruit that just thrives.  Each time this happens it just validates your choice to trust in the God’s will for your life.  But man I can’t prune back enough in this situation.  It’s amazing to me the sisterhood that facebook has become over the last few weeks.  I am blessed that some of the followers are local colleagues and know “me”…. know the real me.  Feel comfortable making that phone call that someone is out there trying to destroy my name.   But I know that for all those that do know me, there has to be someone out there who doesn’t. I’m not the shizzle or anything -and I know that!!

But here’s who I am.  I am first and foremost a believer in God.  I can never be good enough, can never work hard enough to be blessed more than the free salvation that He has given to me when I chose to give my life to him!! I stand firm on that truth!!

I am a wife and a mom to 4 of the most amazing kids in this world.  Because I am there mother I will stand behind that truth!! I have worked my whole life until my 3rd baby.  I started seeking the more creative side of myself because I was a newly stay at home mom needing some sort of project~~ I have done lots of direct sales kind of things that allowed me to have a fully stocked craft room {aka best customer award given to me}.  Teaching and sharing were always so much fun and giving those gifts that I made by hand were always so much fun~~ I have always loved to decorate and change up things.  Huge recyclers and upcycling is the best form of recycling!! So taking the love that I did for me and turning it into a business was my dream job!! For real!! I don’t need to make millions- quite frankly- I don’t want to work that hard because this job that looks beautiful is hard work!! Physically exhausting most weeks.  I get to show my children everyday what it looks like to try and be a Proverbs 31 mother.  What it looks like to use those gifts and talents to their fullest- to be a blessing to others.

I believe in second chances because after all, I am given them all the time but the Lord above so who am I not to afford one to someone else?? But I am also NOT a doormat to be walked all over.  And when you start messing with what I have worked so hard to build I have to stop you!! Because my name is all I have this business!! My clients can attest to the relationships I try and build with them.  That’s where the beauty comes in the pieces.  Knowing where it will be and who it will be for makes it that much more fun to make it special!!

We moved to Texas when our youngest was just 2 months old.  Which is a hardship in itself.  But our new little bundle of joy was also adopted and she had down syndrome.  So all of our friends that had become our family I was leaving behind to get closer to a family a couple hours away.  I had no support system no one there to help me.  For the last almost 3 years we have been in therapy 4 days a week doing 6 sometimes 7 therapies a week.  That is my life, as well as; football, cheer, baseball, basketball, youth group, and other activities.  When I started painting it was a needed escape!! I loved doing it but I also loved being alone listening to my KLOVE and knowing that He had me in his hands right then and there.  I didn’t have a lot time for friends and when I did it was spent catching up with my friends in WA.  Life is busy around here!!

My business has surpassed my goals and honestly hit some things I didn’t even know I wanted.  I am continually growing and experiencing growing pains all along the way.  Most of them are a joy.  Some of them not so much.  I look forward to seeing where God takes me next and know that wherever it is it will be great!! I have met some truly wonderful woman doing the same thing I am doing and even more amazing women that I get to work for!!

I hope that my character speaks loudly and louder than those that try to knock it down!! I am going to keep doing what I am doing and keep believing that ” in all things God works for the good A)”> of those who love him, who have been called B)”> according to his purpose.” Romans 8:28 

Because with me you get what you get- I have never been good at hiding that or faking my way thru it.  Not even a bad haircut- poor stylist I cry every time it looks bad.  I say what I mean and mean what I say.  But mostly I am who I am and I am me!!  Does that make any sense?? It does to me but then I wrote it!! I know this is long so if you are still reading this I thank you!! and if you are reading this and don’t know why I would ever have such a lengthy post it’s okay, I hope you never have to know!!

But mostly thank you!! Thank you for believing in me!


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  1. You are an amazing person Lori! Keep your head high!

  2. Serah says:

    Tenth Avenue North has a song that is appropriate for what you are going through! It’s called Feels Like I’ve Been Loosing’ . When we stop to think about what He suffered and the insults that were hurled at Him! It helps us to remember ‘I can do all things through Him who strengthens me’…even forgive:)


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